Wednesday 5 March 2014


Just a quick update on life, thoughts, plans and goals for the future~

I was able to make time to go into the Daniels Faculty at U of T and speak with them about their masters of Architecture program, and was not disappointed. It was the place for me! If nothing else, the vibe, the energy, the 空気 of the space was just brilliant. It was creative and inspirational, welcoming and awe-inspiring, but with a deeply-thoughtful, razor-sharp precision in its appearance. It was clean, professional and brimming with artistic sensibilities. I can think of no better place to realize my dreams and designs and bring the contents of my mind to the physical realm, in the hope that I can, in my own little way, make the world a better place.

That aside, getting in will be tough, but I feel that if I give it my all, work and cultivate myself as much as possible in the coming months I will be free of regret, and can realize my goals in one way or another.

A take-away I received was the concept of design. Not something foreign to me, the concept of design is more than simply the creation of something, in the narrow, practical, descriptive sense, but rather appeals to the broader notion of creation, realization, innovation, and so much more. Perhaps for my sleep-deprive, coffee-addled mind, it evades the scope of my articulative abilities, but none the less, the feelings were strong. Design. A world, a concept, a socratic form to strive towards.

Mapping this onto my life, my goal for the spring/summer would be appropriately summed up in that very concept: Design. Not only in the creation of my portfolio and the honing of my creative abilities, but also in the way my goals, wants, desires and life choices are manifested. I need to better exercise my humanity and impose my inner designs on the world around me. We as sentient, intelligent beings are designers by nature, it is in our essence that we shape the world around us, and in turn affect our destiny. On a less grandiose level, I need to better create a space and a system of living that enables me to experience life to its fullest. Be the happiest I can be, be the most productive and inspired I can be. Be the healthiest I can be. And most of all, lead the best life I can.

Finally, along these lines, I think it would be good to repeat my idea of consolodating my digital life to portable devices - iPhone, iPad, and Macbook. My Raven would be there for larger tasks, storage, gaming, higher performance workloads, but through efficient means, I feel its entirely possible to enjoy the same level of power-usage that I do on a regular basis through these apple devices. It would take some cleaning, some simplification, some elbow-grease, but such is the act of turning my imagined world into a reality~

Life has never been so Fate :P

With that, I leave to ponder, brainstorm, and if I'm lucky, preordain what lies in store~

PS. Considering selling my macbook and using the funds towards investing in a new Macbook Air... seems like a decent choice, lighter, faster, newer, etc... if only there was someone noble and zen with a a proud legacy that was looking for a macbook.... or a god of snow that would ensure it wasn't dropped into a pit of deathness.... hmmm 

1 comment:

  1. This made me LOL fairly hard.
    Well done! It may just snow again soon - I know how much you humans all love my snow.

    "but such is the act of turning my imagined world into a reality~
    Life has never been so Fate :P." I'm guessing you're expecting this kind of reaction, but - that makes two of us!

    The god of snow is feeling economically challenged and still yet favours the MS-variant of your human tech, despite their relative lack of longevity and servitude.

    This post of yours was satisfactory and brimming with welcomed optimism.
